Building Extra Ordinary Business Teams

Without team, there can be no dream! Here’s a simple fact: There are a lot of small businesses that fail and many others that barely survive despite huge financial, mental, physical and emotional costs to the owners.

Fortunately business doesn’t have to be this way. And the good news is that the alternatives are surprisingly simple to apply.

All that it really takes is an open mind, a willingness to learn, and a strong desire to have a successful business.

A Business’s Success Starts With Strong Leadership And Is Dependent on Great Teamwork – But HOW do we make this happen?

Just imagine for a moment that your business is a ship docked in a harbour. 

How likely is that ship to reach its destination if itscrew is incomplete or ineffective? And how useful would the crew be if they had no captain, or if that captain had no course plotted? What if he never effectively communicated the plan to the crew and no one checked that the ship was on course? 

Your business is no different to a ship, it can never be better than its team or its teamwork.

If you’re frustrated with the progress your business is making, then keep reading.

What If You Don’t Have Your Dream Team Yet?

Many businesses primarily hire to fight fires often this just fans the flames.

Most of us know the pains of having a lack of the right people on the team. Many industries are facing shortages and unemployment is very low. Well, before you hire is the perfect time to do a Strategic Human Resources Plan.

You should know what kind of person you want on the ship with you, not just at a tactical level, but at a strategic level. How is this new person going to help your business get to its destination? What are we going to ask of them and how will we know if they are doing a good job?

Consider most of us never make the link from the goals of the company and communicate that clearly to the employee. And even less common is an effective feedback mechanism to let everyone know if we are on course, or not! 

What Is Going To Make The Difference For You And Your Business?

Come get the entire strategy at our FREE “Bring your Lunch and Learn” seminars.

Right now, Business North Harbour is partnering with Business Growth Stratagem and is offering free educational seminars to introduce you to this mission-critical topic. We actually give away the entire strategy at the seminar.

Places are limited so Register Here

The Most important workshop you might ever attend!

For those of you who want to fast track making your HR Strategic Plan, with Chris Baker and Courtney Pearce who have 20 years combined business coaching experience. 

On the 25th of November, we will be workshopping the entire strategy to get your Strategic Human Resources plan DONE and ready to implement.

Normally $1250 + GST we are running a special for the BNH Sale of just $997 + GST

Places are limited so Register Here

Courtney Pearce

021 02645238

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